Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Don't worry baby

Love this song by the Beach Boys. It takes me to another time. Please know, I certainly wasn't alive when this song was made since I was born in the 90s. BUT I used to listen to the Beach Boys in highschool and this song just takes me back to a simpler time when I was trying to choose between my brother's best friend and the guy who eventually became my boyfriend. It was an Edward versus Jake scenario - and I chose Jake.

Why borrow trouble? It doesn't make it stop coming. And it doesn't bring it. It's just extra mental clutter.

Fact is, I think about my grown up version of Jake every day. But I trust God. When I can't talk to him I talk to Him.

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Virgin Diaries

A lot happens on couches. Movie night. Good book. Morning coffee. Making out. Making out. Making out.

Pull up a couch if you want to read about it.