Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Entirely Solemn Study of Saturday

I love Saturday. Saturday is the day you look forward to on every other day of the week. Even on Sunday, you start to schedule your next Saturday in your mind. For some reason Monday's are irrepressibly depressing, because its so opposite of Saturday. Saturday equals options for the individual, Monday equals duty for the individual.

It would be an interesting study indeed to find out how different days of the week affect people. I personally, tend to notice about 90% ups on the depression scale when Monday rolls around. I don't doubt that most of my customers would confess to feeling a slight heaviness of the heart when their alarm clock sounds off Monday morning. I, assuredly, feel gradually more and more depressed by the gloom of people feeling gloomy. Spring and sunshine, where are you?

But take heart! It's still Saturday! And you're still not done reading my blog!

Today, I had a spontaneous girlfriend day. I don't normally get chances to get together with my friend Kimmie, so when she called me up last night to ask if I wanted to go shopping, I sniffed my last sniff of sickness and felt better instantly. "What time?" - was my reply.
After the deliciously nauseating feeling of too much food from Ponderosa (my childhood favorite restaurant - brings back the macaroni and cheese memories), we drove to the mall and I scoured the prom dresses (inevitable). My friend and I get crazy when we shop, though. We like never buy anything. We just spend forever 'looking' (the phenomenon that drives all men batty).

Although, there was the exception of one time (in the past) at Target we bought batteries and deodherant. I wrote out a check for 15 bucks, and now that seems so hilarious. We don't buy things like normal people, because it just seems so much more fun to amuse ourselves with abnormal things. It did get a little embarrassing, though, when my friend began humming the mission impossible theme and darted from pillar to pillar behind two unsuspecting ladies. We also went into Bath and Body Works and were befriended by a woman who wanted to tell us all about the body-spray we had been sampling. I asked (for a friend) if any of their foot products dispelled planters warts, and my friend got this shocked look. It was classic - pay-back embarrassing moments. That's how we are, though. We're those giggly nuts who squeeze behind curtains into photo booths and scream because the pictures are taken too fast. Only, the last time we did it there was no curtain, and every body who went past us looked in with wrinkled, mature noses. That was quite fun.

Anyways, so that was my Saturday. I came home, filled out a migraine of a Scholarship form (my Dad moaned that it felt like taxes all over again), and I ate my mom's steaming, home-made biscuits. My mom makes the best biscuits in the world. I told her that when I get to college, I would like her to please mail a box of her biscuits to me still steaming all the way from winter-land. There's something irresistibly melty about them, that even Ponderosa and campus meals cannot possibly hold a candle to my mom's biscuits.

Random. Spontaneous. Irresistible. Unpredictable. Yes. That's me/life.


Anonymous said...

I had a great Saturday, went to the movies. I think people like Saturdays because usually it is the one day of the week that is theirs to do with as they please: run errands, go shopping. see movies, visit with family and friends, sleep in, whatever. I don't know about your mom's biscuits but have you ever had the biscuits at Red Lobster? Thems good biscuits :-) See ya around

Unknown said...

Mike, hey you made me curious (a feat to be sure ;) ). Are you the Mike from my work or a different Mike?

Unknown said...

Ah... the one from work.

Virgin Diaries

A lot happens on couches. Movie night. Good book. Morning coffee. Making out. Making out. Making out.

Pull up a couch if you want to read about it.