Saturday, March 15, 2008

Speak Out Or Be A Liberal

Conservative talk-show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have long been a controversial statement in the pre-established dogma of the media, and the undecided voice of the people. Hannity, often referred to as ‘a great American’, and Limbaugh, presented to his radio-audience as ‘Nobel-Peace-prize nominee’, are both very confident in the issues they discuss. They don’t hesitate to speak out on America’s declining politics, morals, and culture. As a result, they have made many devout friends, as well as many out-spoken enemies.

With dynamic voices that spread a revival of American values, each speak out and lead democrats and republicans alike down that indiscernible path of our future. Limbaugh often gives the impression of being cocky because of his unwavering position on issues that seem to pin-prick democrats in the most sensitive of places. Hannity has on more than one occasion expressed his inescapable human limitations, but urges America to become great despite all of us having those same limitations.

Indeed, they have both found a great voice all over the face of the American map, and in their own way, they lead America toward a better future. Truly, one cannot listen to them long enough, determined to make idiots out of them, before determining that they themselves are the idiots. Persuasive speaking, and idealistic values are something that any democrat should fear, lest they should listen and be overcome.

When one is a big name, and a big voice, one cannot avoid inevitable criticism. The fact that Limbaugh and Hannity can receive criticism from both their greatest enemies, and their most starry-eyed fans, and still be the same persons and say what they believe, is something to be admired. I cannot agree with everything they do, and I do not necessarily like them. But the fact that they stand and say it anyway demands my respect.


Anonymous said...

So in that same logic: Obama stands and says his beliefs in an unwavering rhetoric,does that make you willing (or "demand") your respect?

Unknown said...

My Dear Anonymous,

Of course I respect anyone who is willing to stand and speak out on issues despite the popular-status-quo! Originally, I was very impressed with how the masses responded to Obama with roaring approval (I made mention to this in previous articles).

Unfortunately, though, Obama doesn't have much to say. His speeches, while eloquent, inspire emotions as opposed to trust. They are empty words -- something America apparently hasn't gotten used to with Politicians. And the more I see of the 'Politician Obama', the less popular shine I see in that wide smile. While the charming personality of Obama eeks out through his speeches, I am becoming more and more aware of how dangerous he really is for America.

When I look at Politicians, I've observered that the wisest way to evaluate their standing both politically and personally - is by their associations. I'm sure you've heard all of the fuss about Obama's long-time mentor, spiritual adviser who in fact was consulted and prayed with before Obama entered the candidacy, friend, and pastor of 20 years, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Wright has been publicized lately for saying extremely controversial, nutjob, racist things. He reportedly "pledged acquired skills available to the black community, strengthening and supporting black institutions, pledging allegiance to all black leadership who have embraced the black value system, personal commitment to the embracement of the black value system." He referrs to America as 'White America'... 'the United States of White America'. I realize this may all seem like racist hogwash, but that's exactly what it is. Seriously, if you listen to some of Wright's sermons, you can hear him saying 'No, no, no, no. Not God Bless America, God damn America.' He claims the 911 terrorist attacks were conspiracies against Black people - everything is just one big conspiracy against Black people. According to him, “Jesus was a poor black man who lived in a country and who lived in a culture that was controlled by rich white people. The Romans were rich. The Romans were Italians, which means they were European, which means they were white–and the Romans ran everything in Jesus’ country. It just came to me . . . why so many folk are hatin’ on Barack Obama. He doesn’t fit the model!” -Which is funny because, although he claims to preach straight gospel, Jesus was a Jew, of Hebrew descent.

Obama of course distances himself from Wright by saying he was 'like an old uncle who sometimes says things you don't always agree with'. The difference being, however, that you don't choose your uncle. You CHOOSE your Pastor. Obama was married in the church, his kids were baptised in the church, and then he came out - all of the beautiful eloquence fled - and said that he had not been in attendance for the Sunday's which involved the racist comments. Yet there were dozens of sermons filled with this kind of hate speech! And you'd think - wow being in a church that long, and tithing $22000 last year alone (that would be Obama) can have some POWERFUL influence on your outlook on life and America. Not much 'unity' there if you ask me.,2933,256078,00.html

Then there's Farrakhan. I believe he bombed the White House in the 70's, and is reported to have said, "I wish I would have bombed more/Caused more devestation". He is definitely associated with Obama's past - although Obama has vehmently distanced himself in the light of publicity. Check this out.

So I've heard Obama lie. There's no way he couldn't have been apart of at least ONE of the sermons that included this load of bull. That makes him just another politician. And I've seen his candidacy shake in the spot light under the scrutiny. I respect the fact that he still stands -- but I find it increasingly hard to respect him just because he is a smooth oiled talker. People are already crediting him for 'taking this issue on', and delivering some 'resounding speeches'. Is America so surface focused? There is still the 20-years of indoctrination. I KNOW how churches are. You don't just walk away from their teaching. It's stays with you. For a very long time.

Those are just some of my concerns -- and they are increasingly shared by those who are aware of the situation.

Virgin Diaries

A lot happens on couches. Movie night. Good book. Morning coffee. Making out. Making out. Making out.

Pull up a couch if you want to read about it.