Monday, January 7, 2013

Skype dating

I have a Skype date at 9:00 tomorrow.

I can tell you exactly what will happen tomorrow night before 9. Either my Skype will break, I will be detained at my school indefinitely (which starts up again tomorrow, believe it or not), my computer and all the computers within a mile of my house will break down at exactly 8:59, I'll be there but he won't show up, I'll break out in hives exactly five minutes before I'm supposed to face-time with the man I've never met, or the world will self-implode just as our call connects.

You can see I have high hopes.

Last time I accidentally had a Skype date, it was like 2 1/2 years ago and I had just obtained like a week's worth of amusement via a paranoid taste of online dating. I literally joined five dating sites in a day and then deleted them three days later. I was bored. In the meantime I don't remember why but I gave someone my gmail and he called me and one-way video chatted with  me. I just remember I couldn't understand what he was saying and thought it was awkward that I could see him but he couldn't see me. He asked me a question and I said, "Huh? Sure." Not understanding the lingo he used. Next thing I know he's taking off his shirt and I'm like WAIT A MINUTE. I've never slammed my computer shut quicker. So that was my last Skype date. As of late I've only used Skype to call friends and my sister and that has suited me just fine. The truth is I don't want to Skype with this guy. I want to see him in person. But every time we set up a time to meet the world crashes to an end. I truly feel we never will meet and he's just wasting his time now Skyping me.

But a part of me says what the heck. I do like this guy, against all reason. He's leaving for war. I may never ever get a chance to see him if something happens God forbid.

So, yeah, I'm sure after this I'll have some Skype dating etiquette for you. Or I'll just self-implode along with the rest of the world. Either or.

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Virgin Diaries

A lot happens on couches. Movie night. Good book. Morning coffee. Making out. Making out. Making out.

Pull up a couch if you want to read about it.