The death of Terri Schindler Schiavo is forever ear-marked in my memory as a time when I started listening to conservative talk radio. I was outraged that although Terri Schiavo was disabled she was FAR from being in a coma at the time of her dehydration/starvation/death. I studied the issue, and came up with the following paper and sent it to all of the talk show hosts I knew of. I was 14 years old. I realize that Terri was a financial burden in some ways, but when I read the book on her husbands involvement in her death, I was once again outraged that the family had specifically pleaded that THEY would cover all financial and physical burden. All the family asked was that Michael Schaivo divorce his wife and marry the woman who had become his fiance and given him two children after Terri's collapse. It is understandable that Michael did not want to divorce his wife because she had previously been awarded a large amount of money for her disablities that would become his at the time of her death.
Pulling the plug on a loved one is difficult - I am definitely not here to judge people who have been given no other option but to release a loved one from their suffering. But this case was desperately wrong, and I think even as a young girl, I realized this. Terri Schindler Schaivo was not just released from her life as she knew it here on earth. She was dehydrated and starved for 14 days to the point that her mouth was so dry and raw that she was denied even a drop of water to ease the pain. The following paper is not something I will not defend as perfect, but it still makes one think.
After all, it was Terri who once said the following statement. "Where there is life, there is hope."
I am only 14 years old, but “Injustice”, was one of the many words that came to my mind, as well as I’m sure to the minds of millions of other Americans, when I heard about the Terri Schiavo overruling. I say overruling, because everything good and right that should not have been forsaken was overruled, on her behalf.
“Someone ‘big’ MUST be stirred at this mess”, was my second thought as I humanly weighed the options for her life in my head. But, I had to conclude, that when I heard her flesh and blood were overruled…her governor was overruled…the president of her country was overruled…that someone twisted, and cold, and hurt was doing the overruling.
Who is this judge to take word over law? My third thought, was “What is this judges’ name, who is he a puppet of, and how can we get them out of our justice system?”.
Michael Schiavo is probably not the greatest of guys, and…sure…he’s made plenty of errors on his wife’s part. But, he’s not the real issue here! If it wasn’t him, it would have been someone else. Not everyone in our country is upset about the ruling. Our attention is being diverted with him, the governor…and anyone else bigger that people try to blame. But it’s not bigger that we need. It’s power. Our problem lies in the courts. People like Michael Schiavo are supposed to be stopped by our courts, because America is a land that upholds justice. Our country of Justice, and Wealth, and Freedom is turning into…a country that will soon be recognized as a country full of Injustice because of people lacking or wanting more Wealth and turning Freedom and rights into Pro- Choice not just for the babies…now we’re saying that mentally disabled people choose to die, elderly will choose to die…and basically the costly sick…soon they- like unborn babies- choose to die. Is it the babies, and the sick, and the mentally disabled that are choosing to die…or is it the murderer that chooses for them?
America has always prided itself on standing for what was right. We defend the Jews. We pray and ask God to bless our nation. We fight the terrorists. We’ve seen what is outwardly a pagan wrong, and often try to deal with it. President Bush is fighting a war. But it’s more than just with terrorists. It’s with his own people. It’s with the media who won’t support the right over wrong…the truth in EVERYTHING, over what they want people to hear. Adolf Hitler said, “If you tell a lie long enough and loud enough, and often enough, the people will believe it”. What is the voice of the people? Isn’t it the newspapers that people open every morning while they sip their coffee? How smart is it for terrorists to bomb a building and leave their tracks…or would it be far more intellectual a move to subtly take the people while the government is distracted by drugs, misdemeanors, sex charges, senseless murdering, and the injustice to a starving woman.
Which leads me to my fourth thought. “Isn’t this communist mentality the liberals are taking?”. I mean, if I were to get sick of taking care of my grandmother, could I kill her? The answer is yes…though not legally. I might cover it up…but eventually would be caught. If and when I were caught, I would be charged with murder and would have to serve the appropriate time in the slammer. Now, take these courts that are starving Terry Schiavo. How much are the liberal media’s being paid to help cover up this communist mentality? I mean- what if this senseless murdering of Terry is just a window to something a whole lot bigger? Didn’t David Rockefeller voice his praise of the controlled U.S. media for keeping their oath not to divulge the Globalist plans to the public? He said, “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.” He went on to explain, “It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.” Accidentally found in the pocket of a spy that was shot in 1919, were the following Communist rules,
1) Corrupt the young, get them away from religion
2) Break down the old moral virtues
3) Encourage evil disorders…and a soft government attitude toward crime
4) Divide the people into hostile groups (race, religion, etc.)
5) Get the people’s minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletes, sex, etc.
Note: In 1896, there were 311 athletes participating in the Olympics. In 1996, there were 13,000.
6) Get control of the media
7) Destroy people’s faith in their religion
8) Cause the registration of all firearms…to eventually confiscate
Any of this sound familiar? Karl Marx, father of communism dedicated his book to Charles Darwin whom ‘he was a sincere admirer of’. Marx realized he could not justify the death of a human being, much less slavery of the black race during his time…unless the white man were to be taught that they were superior to other races. Thus, evolution was strongly advocated by Karl Marx who referred to evolution (creation without the supreme being, God) several times in his speeches. Stalin, too was a strong believer in evolution, after reading Charles Darwin’s book (using the original title) on ‘The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.’ Charles Darwin was not only a racist, but he was a woman hater…yet his book is still today labeled one of the greatest scientific works in history. Evolution Science teaches we come from nothing. We became what we are now. Ever since the world came together, we’ve been getting bigger and better and stronger. Yet, several large skeletons have been hid by namely the evolution supporting ‘Smithsonian’, who discovered, and disposed of skeletons… 8, 9, 11 feet tall. I guess, they didn’t like the thought of everybody realizing, ‘hey were not becoming bigger and better. We’re getting smaller and dumber’. And dumber is right. Hitler, did not drag everyone’s granny’s and lame aunties, blind uncles, deaf cousins, and ‘unfavored races’ to the gas chambers all at once. He subtly introduced evolution to the children’s textbooks, teaching them that there WERE favored races. He is quoted, saying, “Let me control the textbooks, and I will control the state.”
Who is controlling our textbooks? Who is teaching America, that ‘scientifically’, we came from nothing, in stead of, ‘truthfully, we came from dust and the power of God’s imagination’. Who is telling our girl’s, that abortion is our babies’ choice, and that finances, careers, lifelong happiness, as pregnant young mother’s are told they won’t have with a baby, are worth more than a precious life. Hitler taught German’s that killing Jewish, noisy, expensive babies was like squashing a pesky bug, or drowning a barn cat. To him, he lived a life were there WERE favored races, and he intended to teach that the lesser races were nothing but dumb animals. Why else weren’t the enslaved blacks aloud to read? And HOW COME Charles Darwin’s book on evolution wasn’t questioned, contradicted or destroyed before this age and time? People, chose to believe a lie. A big one. And their still swallowing it today. Evolution, ties in with Communism…and someone subtle and more powerful than the president of our country, is within our courts, taking word over law. Someone is taking the power to save and preserve a human being’s life, and wrongly creating a terrible lie that the media is swallowing…that woman’s life is not useless. Are we going to get up off our knees when Terry Schiavo dies? Or are we going to root out the injustice that is filtrating into America’s just system. Someone is tampering with my country. I know I’m only 14 years old, but I realize that there’s something deeper here. We are scientifically labeling our unborn babies as lifeless blobs, and a tissue that doesn’t think or function. We are calling evolution a scientific fact, and it is being taught in our textbooks…in our schools. These are lies…that people want to, and choose to teach and believe.
Our generation is growing up humanist, racist, and if they get violent, communistically minded.
America, will not always be America if we keep getting looser and less conservative… and bending to the controlled media’s idea of ‘moderate’. Tell me. Who are these ‘communists’ in my country…who’s on their side or undecided on this issue… and how can I prevent my country from losing it’s God fearing, God loved, and God blessed sweetness and freedom that once had the world admiring America?