Monday, July 21, 2008

My Sure Escape

Right. So the days have been hectic, so don't judge me for like not writing.... more than five articles this month.

I have few complaints. (Note: I did not say NO complaints - proves I'm still human). Work at PotBelly has been going rather well, but like any job it has both severe negatives and soaring positives. My manager has taken to yelling at me a lot, and I wince at the customers and wish I had the nerve to say, "He's always like that."

My greatest fault is that if I notice a need, my first instinct is to run and meet the need (which leaves my own station unattended) (thus the yelling). I'm still getting the whole highly useful 'assembly line' thing down. I preferr to banter with the fun loving customers and hand them a hot steamy sandwich made with love. (As opposed to briskly handing them a dry sandwich and shooing them towards the cash register). I have since learned that many people don't know how to experience things AS THEY GO. They can't walk slowly through the crowd. Such people care very little for a sandwich made with love, and that is one of the most disgusting type of people I have to make sandwiches for.

Back to my problems. I have one particularly loud-mouthed co-worker who often likes to point out my countless faults in front of customers. Here's a good example. I'm talking to a customer and then she comes up to me and saucily tells me, "Less lip, more grip." I was like, "What? That doesn't even make sense." According to her, I talk too much. Okay, but that was a horribly lame way to say it.

Otherwise, I have learned to generally keep to myself. I did allow myself one huge religious/political debate involving myself, a gay guy, and a guy who studied to be a Rabbi. That got rather heated and I kept laughing because it got so absurdly funny. You'll be glad to know the gay guy and the Rabbi found it amusing as well, so as far as I know I wasn't written up. Otherwise, most people I come into contact with are politically dull and too busy and important to have opinions and share them with a low-life PotBelly sandwich attendant. Admittedly, I have run into a Lowes manager who had a lively political debate with me, but it was almost dissapointing because he agreed with me too much. I like to disagree vehemently and see if they have as good an argument for their beliefs as I hope I have for mine.

Anyways, I'm going to share a poem thingy that I wrote a long time ago that pretty much defines how I'm feeling right now. This summer is stretching on and on.... Admitedly I'm normally not a basket-case when it comes to new things, but this waiting thing is about to kill me! Let the moment I step on my college campus be here! Let people stop telling me how nice it will be for me down there, and how successful I will be in life! I am willing to wager that the summer before one launches out on ones own, is THE longest feeling 3 months one will ever experience. I am pretty confident in saying this, because adults wiser and much older than myself have been telling me that 'once I begin college, life will fly by'. I wanted to say, "Thank you, that was significantly pessimistic, but may I say I am more than ever ready to launch off into the unknown."

Right now, the 'unknown' consists of 'what cheap, adorable, yet durable laptop can I find?', and 'should I splurge and buy school books?' The future and God alone know the answers.

I am stuck here.
In this long day,
With the irrepressible urge to find a bathroom,
And yet not willing to risk
Missing the very minute my ride arrives.
I have watched the road silently,
Sipping my cold ice water,
And longing for relief from
Strange surroundings.
I need to see something familiar,
Something I can kick and call home.
I need to see our little tan Prism,
Or our big hulky blue van,
Rolling towards me with
A familiar knight in shining armor at the wheel.
I want my car to be red,
So that car rolling towards me now,
Will be mine.
My sure escape.
Really, though, if you think about it... If a car were to come pick me up and take me away from all of my problems, I would just find myself in another situation that contains problems. Difficult situations are unavoidable, I suppose, so that means that one has to find the answers to ones internal problems instead of always dragging them along in some kind of pathetic version of a getaway car. Am I right?


Anonymous said...

i don't think most people care about a sandwich made from love. as long as it's good. which I'm sure it is.
summer is pretty slow for me too, but what the hey, i'm stll doing dvd's right now that's why...

happy i checked out your blog? you must feel truly blessed :)

ps. ugh...i got the stupid 'word verification' thing wrong like twice.

Unknown said...

Andrue... you would be one of those 'shutup and give me my food' people, I take it. Thanks for making the world a brighter place for me... full of hope... and outstanding individuals that one wouldn't expect to find in a dark, dismal sandwich shop. Remind me to make your sandwich from hate if you ever drop by (or indifference, which in my opinion is FAR worse than hate).
That WAS sarcastic, if you didn't catch it, but I'll be sincere in saying that you make up for all your faults by checking out my blog. Thank you!!!!! I can't say I'm feeling the blessing. However... I've got a big lazy grin on my face (please note: I produced a grin so that I could write that) so if that's blessing... why thank you.

lol - Andi

p.s. and I do that all the time - I think it's rigged. It's IMPOSSIBLE to get the letters right on the first try. (And I also just put a comma before the 'com' in my email address, so that'll do it, too)

Virgin Diaries

A lot happens on couches. Movie night. Good book. Morning coffee. Making out. Making out. Making out.

Pull up a couch if you want to read about it.