Friday, July 25, 2008

A Picture for my Thoughts

I need pictures to inspire me right now.
I need to see a caved-in barnyard, surrounded by fields of knee-high corn. Hmm...
A hawk diving down right on the water-falls edge.
A mother sternly clasping the hand of her 4 yr. old as the two cross a busy New York street.
A democrat with mouth open wide in worship as Obama raises a fist to the heavens and proclaims, "If Obama can be President, Anybody can!!!" (I just had to get that in)
A young girl reading 'The Onion' at a coffee shop with wide eyes. (I just discovered 'The Onion'is a fake newspaper today!! The headline was 'Queen Elizabeth 2 announces she is expecting!'. I was like - what? That can't be right! She's like old! Is it a surrogate thing?' - lol. When I realized the paper was all sarcasm, I couldn't stop reading and laughing crazily! - literally)
A milk-shake with two straws.
Let's see... what else should I reveal about myself in these imaginative pictures...
I have writers block this month...
A typewriter, the cobwebs surrounding it cascaded by sunlight, on a dirty wooden table.
A childs chubby fingers reaching up and touching the keys of a Steinway piano.
The stethescope swinging from a doctors neck.
Horses in the tall grass, unanimously congregating to slap flies with their tails.
Grandparents writing out birthday cards for their grand-kids together.
The expression on the faces of four young boys jumping in a cold lake for the first time all year.
A middle-aged woman in her living room crazily swatting at a huge horse-fly with a fly-swatter.
A girl watching her hair be cut too-short in a mirror.
Dirty little bare feet on a sandy road.
Enough. You know what I'm picturing? Summer... I'm so glad it's summer. If summer were a hot buiscut with homeade raspberry jam on it, I would eat it. If it were a person, I would make it my friend. Now that you are officially picturing that and getting freaked out, I will grin and bid you good night.

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Virgin Diaries

A lot happens on couches. Movie night. Good book. Morning coffee. Making out. Making out. Making out.

Pull up a couch if you want to read about it.