Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence

Okay. Time for a new post. I am typing gingerly, because as many of my dear late customers' witnessed, Grace was kind enough to manicure my nails for my graduation tomorrow... which was partially destroyed minutes after they were done because I am a naturally active person. I believe two nails have remained unscathed since then. I think french manicures are a male invention to render females useless. Regardless, I am admiring my nails now, and from a distance they look just fine.

Today was a beautiful day although it felt slightly dampened by the fact that this was my last day working for Grace. My final amusement was the occasional political discussion (I steered away from actual debates because I would not be able to have a follow-up debate with any one), and a Rhubarb Crisp dish which I proudly presented to my customers as a free 'Surprise Dish'.

With a couple of ladies, Grace tried to ask them if they would like to sample the 'surprise dish' and they misunderstood and thought it was going to be put into their grilled-cheese sandwiches. Grace said, "You wanting sugar? It sugar dish." One woman looked confused, and then said, "Well, maybe a little bit of sugar in there." Grace frowned and looked at her funny. I just looked on, sufficiently amused.

What amused me more was my friendly chocolate-chip-cookie guy, Art, who told me quite ardently, "No, I don't like Rhubarb, and no I've never had it." I scolded him on his lack of adventure and fear of the unknown, but I fear my words didn't affect him in the least. For the next few customers, I gave them no choice because I greeted them rather manipulatively with, "Do you feel adventurous today? Who likes to live life on the dangerous side?" I have learned that there are few American men that can say no to that. Women, however, don't mind shaking there heads at me and looking a little scared and saying, "Well, have a good day," as they scurry off.

In this paragraph, I am going to mention 'THE HOTDOG GUY'... not because I like him in the least, but because he asked to be put in my blog. So, there, hot dog guy. You are mentioned. (you know I'm teasing you back)

Anyways, but I'm so excited, because tomorrow is THE day that I've been told to look forward to since the wee day I began kindergarten. As a young innocent child, I would watch the seniors bob solemenly up the aisle, and I thought they looked almost god-like as their tassles were moved from one side to whichever side means their graduated, and then everybody would clap and it was supposed to be a great moment. I don't really feel like that yet, but I do have a head ache. I think Ryan, the security guard, gave me back the cold that I gave him. For his sake, I hope not, because I know how much guilt he would feel for causing me such misery. Regardless, I'm excited, because after tomorrow I will be free to move onto another stage in my life, and onto new things and new places. The new people thing is always a little harder for me to handle, but I suppose all of us have to face it at some time.

I realize I'm dissapointing all of you who were anticipating a political controversy (ehem, Voltare44), but I really haven't anything too interesting to contribute when it comes to the fine details of the American government and her interests in the Middle East, etc. I find the domestic depravity we are facing here at home far more interesting. (That's a confession.) Honestly, I don't like to write about something that everybody else is writing about, unless I have something bursting from me to uniquely add to it. Someday if I am a successful journalist, I will probably be reporting from the heart of the Middle East, because I insist on experiencing most things first-hand. I like to live life a little-dangerously, I suppose, so my wreckless curiosity is not meant to be a surprise.

I want to leave you with a quote that a dear and wise customer (hi, Randy!) of mine gave me today. It is meant to inspire and it will if you read it closely and apply it.

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent won't; nothing is more common than an unsuccessful man with talent.
Genius won't; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education won't; the world is full of education derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
-Calvin Coolidge

With that, I leave you to your otherwise peaceful and pleasant night. It's beautifully chilly out there. Go enjoy it! Undoubtedly, you will hear from me again.

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Virgin Diaries

A lot happens on couches. Movie night. Good book. Morning coffee. Making out. Making out. Making out.

Pull up a couch if you want to read about it.