Friday, April 11, 2008

Fascinating Friday Learning Experiences

I'm presently drinking sugar-free hot chocolate. Imagine the ecstatic face that I'm making as a result. The drink was my brother's master-piece creation. How can I not like it?

Anyways, so Happy Friday!! Today dawned brightly, full of fresh possibilites, and endless opportunities. (At least if a customer dares ask me how my day is going, that is what I say.) I have so many interests. It keeps life from getting bland and predictable. One of my many interests, is an interest in languages. Grace, my Korean boss, accuses me of being a linguist with something akin to pride and fear. She told my German friend that, 'withen Andilea, no keeping secrets. She knowing.' Ahaha, I could not hold the laughter in. What irony! Grace and I often have misunderstandings when speaking English, but when I listen carefully and spew back a couple of her Korean words, she says I 'scaring her' because I understand what she's saying. That makes me smirk. I tease that there's a nymph between us, taking her English words and distorting them before they get to me. After all, any place you work with humans, there will be misunderstandings. It has gotten especially amusing at times like when Grace ordered, "Getting Mariana sauce, sweetie." And I then set about looking for Banana sauce in a state of confusion.

There is a woman named Kathy who gets a large coffee every morning at work, and over time we have begun greeting each other in German. German is her first language (although lost since childhood), and with my few Pimsleur-memorized phrases, we are slowly building up our German vocabulary. Anyways, I like Kathy. If any of you, my dearest readers, have ever had a customer service job, you know that one of the most refreshing things about customer service is having a regular customer with whom you lose the formalities and actually talk human. Kathy is one such down-to-earth person who probably has a world of knowledge beyond me, but slows down every morning to laugh at herself in German and swap a few simple phrases with me. There's something triumphant in our smiles when we finish flourishing our limited German vocabulary.
"Gutentag!" Hello!
"Eh, Gutenmorgen!" Eh, Good morning!
"Ve guets?" How's it going?
"Es guet mia gut, danke. Unt ze?" It goes to me well. And you?
"Zia gut, danke." Very good, thank you.
Today our new phrase was, "Ist Fritag!" It's Friday!
"Ist Freelich Fritag!" It's Happy Friday!
I totally butchered the spelling there, but you get the idea. My other customers look on with a mixture of awe and apprehension, but she and I are often too wrapped up in self-satisfaction to notice. Mornings with Kathy have convinced me that sometimes some of the simplest accomplishments in life are the sweetest. Anyways, I love languages. That's just something you didn't know about me.

I feel like sighing. Politics are boring me right now. I thought that two-faced baby from India was altogether fascinating, though. A bit freaky, but intriguing. Poor little thing. Yet she probably doesn't even know what she has been born into. How can one escape such a fate? Where one face would smile on being an Indian goddess, would the other face be berated by the glare of the spectators' spot-light? You wonder if she is one soul, or two in one body. And what would it be like to see out of both sides of your head? Pretty awesome, I would imagine! Although, if I had been born with two faces I would probably have accepted double sight by now because I would have never known anything different. I can't imagine having two faces, though. But hey, twice the smile, twice the talking! At that, my brother would groan proffusely, I am without doubt. When I mentioned all of this phenomenon to my mother, she sniffed, "I already know plenty of two-faced people." I laughed. Good point.

I am sighing now. It's kind of a warped sigh/yawn. Time to sign out, turn the covers, and click out the light. Tomorrow's my second day at PotBelly! Wish me fascinating learning experiences! G'Night.

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Virgin Diaries

A lot happens on couches. Movie night. Good book. Morning coffee. Making out. Making out. Making out.

Pull up a couch if you want to read about it.