I've just experienced the ultimate torture. Set aside all of your nightmares, because today I lived out the worst of them. (I'm being sarcastic, so if any of you have been subjected to legitimate torture recently, forgive your humble blogger.) I can't talk. I lost my voice somehow... and there really isn't any exciting reason for it, so all of the customers that quizzed me on WHY I couldn't talk only aggravated my condition. I had to keep explaining over and over that I think I just got a sore throat or something. Finally, my boss just greeted our customers with, "Andilea losing her voice. She no talking." The reactions of customers varied from laughter, to asking me questions to verify that I was 'not talking', to clapping and cheering. See if I ever get THEM coffee again, eh? I had to lift my head a little higher so that I would show I was not in the least bit effected. What's that old saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
This morning I awoke and said good morning to my cat, and it came out as a whisper. I had my morning coffee, and still... nothing. I had more morning coffee, and pine-sol-like lemon tea, and air-borne, and 5 gallons of water (no joke), and still... bleh. You cannot believe how horrible it was! I felt like a dammed waterfall, never to flow free again. I never realized until today how much I have to say and how much I long to say it.
When people learned I couldn't talk, many winced at me and said, "Oo - that must be hard for you." Thanks alot. lol - no, I was a good sport, because probably talking too much is what put me in this predicament. See? There! I admitted it!
I've heard that whispering can almost damage your throat worse, so I am very bitter towards all of my customers that insisted on my whispering instead of using my 'communication board' /expo marker board (ehem, 2 bagels and frito guy). In the morning I became so amused, though, because when I would whisper to some customers, they would whisper their answers back. Then they would look at me quizzically and say, "Why are we whispering?" That made me want to laugh so hard, but I couldn't even laugh! Aaagh! Again, the proverbial dam of sound within me, struggling to be free from its' cold hard prison of fate. I am SO excited about tomorrow, because it might bring me a step closer to releasing this pent up voice of mine.
Along time ago I signed up for a 'Women Defend Yourself' class where the tactics are, "Shock, Scream, and Run". With my great luck, that class began tonight. When 'screaming' was addressed, my instructor felt he needed to add, "But in Andrea's case, we would whisper." My first class! And my MOM had to introduce me! Wow... great humility. Regardless, I refused to let it get me down. It was really fun, because everybody was wearing these cute little belted outfits and looked all solemn. My partner winced every time I mock-punched her and we ended up laughing alot. Over all, the people at Oom Yung Doe had a great combination of easy-going approach and serious-minded techniques. It was a nice place, but my mom accidentally called it 'Oom Yung Dung'. That was another moment where I wanted to employ my awesome gasp/laughing.
Anyways, that's just a personal bit I felt like blatting all over my computer screen and hopefully yours as well. Rest assured, the second fastest thing I can do besides talking, is writing. So this is my voice... the one I've been holding in all day. Appreciate it, because when I get my voice back, I am going to be using it.
1 comment:
Hey girlie,
FYI…Oom Yung Doe is a cult.
The leaders went to prison
for five years for tax fraud.
They have a long rap sheet that goes back decades for cheating, fraud and using coercive tactics to get as MUSH CASH FROM YOU as possible. Just read the Oom Yung Doe flyers. “Does floating from an 11 story building sound believeable
to you?’
Check out this site:
There is some good info and not so good info. I strongly urge you to check out the files section there and learn how the leader sexually abuses his female students.
I happen to personally know one of the girls who wrote their horrible
Although I am an ex-female
member myself I cannot say that
those things happen to me, but other things happened just as bad.
After the prison stint Mr. Kim endured he realized that he had
to give a “softer face to his cult” else business would drop. These days they guilt you into taking “care of your body” in order to get your cash.
You are a very young pretty girl and water is every where, just
like gyms are every where. Please consider an alternative to Oom
Yung Doe, perhaps a gym or another martial art group that actually
has facts in their flyers.
If you knew what I knew about the group you would run out the door. I hope you do. I’m trying my best to save you alot of grief down the road….
Also, check out……. OOM YUNG DOE + CULTS….
You will see that there are many many other people who
can confirm my words.
The most powerful sight is this
video sight:
I wish you the best. I wish I had someone like me to warn me
before I joined that cult.
Sorry girlie but I gave out your name to the board. You will probably get more e-mails. Listen to them. They are telling
the truth and truly have your best interests at heart with
no monetary gain or ax to grind attached to it…
The friend you’ll never met
If you want to look into a refund
here are some helpful tips. These
are Washington State laws, you will
have to google "health club laws" in the State in which you live in to read your rights.
Health Club Tips
Within three (3) days after signing a contract, you can cancel your membership for any reason.
Cancellations must be in writing, and after receiving your written
cancellation notice, the club has 30 days to refund your money.
At any time during your membership, if your contract
runs for more than a year, you can cancel by giving 30 days written notice. If your contract is later than one year, and you move more than 25 miles from the health club, you can cancel if no affiliated club within 25 miles of your new residence offers the same services at no additional charge.
If the health club closes permanently, and the owner does not have a comparable facility within 10 miles of the club, you can cancel and receive a pro-rated refund of your initiation fee.
If equipment or services which were promised in the contract are not completed by the date specified in the contract are not completed by the date of the contract, you are entitled to a full refund of your membership fee.
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Violations of the Law
A health club cannot legally ask you to give up any of your rights
under this law. Violations of the Health Club statute should be
reported to the Consumer Protection Division by calling 1-800-551-4636 or filing a complaint on our website. If you take a health club to court over violations of the law and you win, the health club will be required to pay for your attorney and court costs.
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